Friday, November 16, 2007


While the car carts designed to keep kids entertained seem like a good idea, one would hope the genius who designed these would have made them regulation width in order to allow more than one cart in an isle at a time. After a long week working with the littles, I stopped by a local market to do some shopping. Engrossed in this week's 10 for 10 deal in the soup isle, I didn't see the tricked out cart coming at me, nor did the well-intentioned (likely desperate for a diversion at 6:30pm on a Friday) parent realize the width of the beast they were pushing around. And just like that I was smashed up against the soup cans and the carts became jammed. Well, the aspiring race car driver wasn't in the mood for a pit stop....and so the tears began. My next stop was the wine isle.

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