Monday, October 22, 2007

Grill it up!

That's right folks, I'm back to grilling. Just in time for the rainy season, I bought myself a new George Foreman grill. It's a little guy, but definitely does the trick. How I survived the last couple of years without one of these bad boys is beyond me! The possibilities are endless-tonight was grilled veggies and chicken-who knows what tomorrow will bring!

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Honorary Member

If you will be in the NW during the Christmas holiday AND you are an auntie-to-be, THEN you have been elected as an honorary member of our book club. This means: choose a graphic novel and we'll figure out a date to hang.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Game Over

Why good time = bad time next morning?
No more martinis for this lady.

Pumpkin beer on the other hand....