Saturday, May 26, 2007
Party of 1
Being single is a double edged sword. On one side there's the freedom and wild nights out with friends. But then there's going out with friends and all their significant others, the infamous questions and comments about one's single state (i.e. "Don't worry, you'll find someone" or "Have you met anyone yet?"), and of course RSVPing to evites with "attending: 1 + 0 guest". What's a girl to do when she starts singing the single blues? First of all, she must read and embrace Single State of the Union: Single Women Speak Out On Life, Love, and the Pursuit of Happiness, get a pedicure, and then remind herself how wonderful she is and that life will go on with or without Prince Charming.
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
It seems to be a week of countdowns. Until quitting time, the holiday weekend, vacation, and of course until the next AI is revealed. It seems Seattle is bursting with talent! Apollo crowned the ballroom king. Now can Blake pull through and make those from the great NW proud? Will dreams be broken? Only Ryan Seacrest can tell us. Regardless of who the next AI will be, Kenneth and Jonathan, winners of the best friends golden idol award, are America's true idols.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
C'mon down!
After 50 solid years, it's hard to believe Bob Barker is throwing in the towel. What is mid morning television without Bob? Who is going to remind people to spay and neuter their pets? From watching the Price as Right as a child and swearing that someday I'd be a Bob Barker Beauty to perfecting the run down a college apartment hallway with the remixed theme song blaring in the background (after a few brews of course), Bob was the inspiration. But what to do now that "appeared on the Price Is Right" can't be crossed off my list of goals? What about winning at plinko? Or that solid oak bedroom set? Or that sweet American made car? Will life ever seem complete? Only time will tell.
Monday, May 14, 2007
bottoms up!
Although I love wine, I still have not mastered the art of selecting a new fine bottle of vino (within my budget). As a result, I have ended up purchasing some duds. In an effort to prevent unnecessary waste of alcohol, I always use up the wine somehow-either by choking it down or cooking with it. I have seemingly stumbled upon the best fix in the book for a bottle that isn't the best: just add one ice cube to your glass of wine. Now, keep in mind I have only tried this with red wines, but it definitely has worked wonders for me. Cheers!
Locked out
Safety measures, such as doors that lock automatically, have finally gotten the better of me. Nothing like locking your keys (including car keys, apartment keys, work keys, etc) in the laundry room mid day on a Monday. Luckily, I was not locked out of my apartment. Today's new activity: stalking neighbors or resulting to calling my manager and coughing up $25 to recover the keys. Guess it's time to make spares.
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Monkey Wrench
of a mechanic. On Friday night, my friend's car overheated and she was
left stranded. The cause seemed to be the large hole in the hose going
from the engine to the radiator (surely there is a technical name for this
hose, but I don't know what it is). Instead of calling a tow truck and
paying a shop to do the repairs, we rolled on into Shuck's on Saturday
morning, showed them this picture, bought the necessary parts, and some
coolant for only $39! The only tools required were a screwdriver and exacto knife. In less than 30 minutes her car was back on the road. Repairs made to my car: new
headlight and fixed the license plate.
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